Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Drew had vocal cord surgery last week.

I’ve known him since high school and ever since then he’d always complain about his throat being sore. I never paid much attention to it and always brushed the idea off to be quite honest. He’s had a deep rasp in his voice since forever and I’d always tell him it was all in his head. About a month ago he finally headed to San Antonio for a consultation with a vocal cord specialist. Sure enough, there had been something wrong. They found a small cyst in one of his vocal cords and recommended surgery. I praise God it was nothing major, but it was still a bit daunting.

His brother and I made the trip out there with him and waited patiently during the procedure. A sigh of relief and comfort let out when Dr. Simpson came out to inform us that everything went perfectly and Drew was in recovery. He was placed under strict instructions to not talk, cough, whisper or even clear his throat for five days as the vocal cord recovery process is so delicate.

Today is that 5th day. Though now days texting is so second nature, I do miss hearing him speak. I’m excited for his follow up tomorrow where he gets so say something finally! The progress will be very slow and minimal, but each day will be a bit longer until he is fully recovered. :)

It’s amazing how kind God is to us through every situation we encounter. It amazes me the way He works in each of our hearts. I found myself praying for Drew’s patience. For his comfort. For him to know our heavenly Father was in control of the whole process. Meanwhile I was lacking in trusting those truths. I was nervous, sad, worrisome, fearful.

What if something happens?
What if they find something else?
What if there’s a complication?

So what I was really doing was questioning those same truths I was praying for Drew to grab a hold of and take comfort in. My heart was subconsciously saying,

Lord please comfort Drew in this time and let him know You are in control, let him know Your goodness, let Him take comfort in knowing You are our healer and our strength.


God, make sure you don’t forget, make sure you don’t drop the ball on this, what if You can’t protect him?

My heart man. It’s so fidgety sometimes. Well, most of the time.

I love how in moments and trials we think are for others, God kindly shows us those moments are for us as well. He kindly reveals the areas of our hearts that are not fully looking at Him. Not fully trusting in Him. Not fully convinced of His everlasting goodness.

"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

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